VIDEO: Jodie Gives Notice of Motion in Parliament Condemning the Government's Child Care Assessment Failures

17 October 2019

This morning I brought a Notice of Motion condemning the Government's follow up processes relating to Family Day Care services. This Motion came following information that a child died tragically in a Family Day Care service which had been assessed in July 2015 as "Working Towards", but which was not re-assessed in the four years that followed:


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House:

Notes recent reports of the death of a 6 month old baby boy at a Kidstart Family Day Care centre earlier this year

Notes that the NSW Auditor Generals 2016 report on Early Childhood Education supported the national guidelines timeframes of the time, with early learning services rated as Working Towards to be re-assessed within 12 months of that rating

Notes that Kidstart Family Day Care service was last assessed under the National Quality Standards on 15 July 2015 over four years ago - as Working Towards National Quality Standards

Condemns the Government for allowing such a tragic incident to occur through its own inaction in ensuring Kidstart Family Day Care was a safe place for children.