Station 505 Tingira Heights

19 September 2023

Ms JODIE HARRISON (Charlestown—Minister for Women, Minister for Seniors, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault)— Firefighters from 505 station at Tingira Heights recently conducted a feather-raising rescue in Lake Macquarie—but thankfully they've ruled out fowl play! The Charlestown Electorate-based firefighters safely rescued six ducklings from a drain on Melroy Drive in Mount Hutton on Thursday 14 September.

Father and Mother Duck safely made it across the drain, but their hatchlings fell about three metres through the grate into the water below. A FRNSW crew responded to the scene and after using a gas detector to confirm the drain was safe, Qualified Firefighter Ben Abbott descended down into the grate to reach the stranded little ducklings.

Over half an hour, Ben carefully lifted the animals over several trips up and down the drain's ladder. After what I'm sure was a tense waiting period for Father and Mother Duck, they were happily reunited with their little ones and went on their way. My thanks to Ben and the entire crew from the Tingira Heights station, for providing the cutest news story I've seen in a while and working every day to help those in need—whether human or duck!

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