Recognising The Place Charlestown for Health My Way

13 October 2020


Ms JODIE HARRISON(Charlestown)Amongst the many impacts of COVID-19 is the dreaded COVID belly. With lockdowns largely lifted, people are turning to online resources to help get back into shape and develop healthier habits. It can be hard to know which claims to trust, and with the spread of information online it can be difficult to figure out what's accurate and what isn't. Charlestown local community centre, The Place, has been hosting the Good Things Foundation's Health My Way Program, which aims to support people in improving their digital health literacylearning how to differentiate the good information from the bad. The program has been delivered both in person and via Zoom, and has included information sessions on how to use My Health Record, endometriosis information sessions with gynaecologist Dr Sneha Joshi and a class on finding reliable health-related apps and websites. There have even been Drum Circles for Mental Health and Wellbeing. The sessions are continuing until 21 October. I would like to thank the fantastic staff at The Place for facilitating this important program.

A Community Recognition Statement is an opportunity for an MP to give a short speech praising the work of an individual or group in the local community. If you have any ideas about people I can recognise with a Community Recognition Statement, please email and let me know!