I congratulate Col Curry, who recently retired from the Parents and Citizens Association [P&C] of Kahibah Public School. Col was a member of the P&C for 31years and was president for 21 of those years. Col became the P&C president in 1996 when his daughters Lauren, Jai and Alison attended the school. Over the years Col has been involved in some large projects including the construction of the school hall and canteen. Col was an integral part of many interview panels for key staffing positions at the school.
Over the years Col has worked tirelessly at all working bees, cooking thousands of sausages for the school's fundraising events. He also painted lines on the school's handball courts and was responsible for the ongoing viability of the school canteen through the appointment of a paid canteen supervisor. Col chaired more than 100 P&C meetings, not missing one in his 31 years. He always brought a fair and considered opinion to the table when it came to what really mattered for the school. I thank Col and his wife, Pam, for the tremendous contribution they have made to the Kahibah Public School.
Kahibah Public School P&C President Col Curry
21 November 2018