Thanks to surf lifesavers after turbulent patrol season

Thanks to surf lifesavers after turbulent patrol season Main Image

18 May 2022

With huge swells, flood water, bluebottle visits and waves of foam, it was a turbulent season for beaches up and down the NSW coast, and beaches in the Charlestown electorate area were no exception.

Lake Macquarie City Council recorded a 40 per cent drop in visitor numbers, but that didn't mean our life guards got off lightly and Charlestown MP Jodie Harrison recognised their efforts in NSW Parliament this week.

It was still a busy season for patrols, with Lake Macquarie lifeguards performing 160 rescues and providing first aid to almost 900 people.

"Life guards are an iconic part of an Australian summer, and I would like to acknowledge and thank the life guards who patrolled Redhead Beach over the 2021‑22 season for their vigilance, professionalism and courage," Ms Harrison said. 

"Every year, they help countless beachgoers and I am sure I speak for the entire Charlestown electorate community when I thank them and all the volunteer Surf Life Savers for all the incredible work they do."

The 2021-22 beach season came to an end with the last patrol of the year on Sunday 24 April.

"Thank you once again for keeping us safe every beach season," Ms Harrison said. 

IMAGE: Lake Macquarie City Council lifeguard Lucas Samways and the foam covered Redhead Beach on March 9. Picture courtesy of LMCC.