03 May 2024

Today the NSW Government held a special Cabinet meeting to hear from and draw on the experience of respected advocates for the prevention of domestic and family violence.

This was an important step in the NSW Government’s commitment to make sector informed investments into domestic and family violence, with all departments and portfolios of governments to be engaged in this response.   Cabinet was addressed by:

  • Dr Hannah Tonkin the NSW Women's Safety Commissioner;
  • Ms Christine Robinson CEO of the Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre (Wirringa Baiya) and member of the NSW Domestic Violence Death Review Team (DVDRT)
  • The Honourable Marcia Neave AO Commissioner of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence; and
  • Rosie Batty 2015 Australian of the Year and founder of The Luke Batty Foundation and the Never Alone Campaign.

Experts shared their experience in relation to the outcomes of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence and their implementation.

The NSW Cabinet reaffirmed its commitment to taking urgent action as well as looking at long term reform to prevent domestic and family violence across our state.

The NSW Government is finalising an emergency package that will look at:

  • crisis responses in NSW and frontline services;
  • primary prevention; and
  • early intervention.

We are also looking at reforms to the justice system to better protect victims.

We will consider all options. Nothing is off the table. We understand there are gaps in the system.

We know that crisis responses will not be enough. That is why we will also work on developing medium and long-term solutions to address domestic and family violence.

The NSW Government extends our sincere thanks to the advocates who addressed Cabinet and generously shared their experiences and expertise today.

We also thank all those across NSW who have lent their voices to this important cause, over recent weeks as well as historically. We know that we can and must do more – we also know we have a responsibility to listen and learn. We are committed to continuing to do both.

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic and family violence, please call the toll-free  number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for support on 1800RESPECT or visit 1800respect.org.au