Jodie Joins with Guy Zangari MP to Support Movember Month

05 November 2019

I am very pleased to support with my parliamentary colleague Guy Zangari MP, Member for Fairfield, in marking Movember.

Movember seeks to tackle prostate cancer, testicular cancer, men's mental health and suicide prevention. Guy has written about his motivation for taking part in Movember this year, saying:

"My family has been impacted by testicular cancer in a big way. I would like to do my part to raise awareness throughout the local community and hopefully encourage others to seek support in their times of need.

Together with my brothers from The Australian Man Cave, this Movember we will strive to raise awareness about Men's Health and wellbeging and to try and change the stigma associated with mental health. It's time men learned, it's not weak to speak.

I would like to dedicate my efforts this Movember to my family members who have battled through prostate cancer."

I encourage everyone to get behind someone who is taking part in Movember, and if you don't have someone to support please donate online on Guy's support page here.