FACT CHECK: Pacific Highway Upgrade

04 February 2019


The NSW Government today announced they have committed $12 million for upgrades at two pinch points on the Pacific Highway at Adamstown Heights and Highfields.

Mike Baird, as the then Premier, announced this exact same $12 million almost exactly four years ago in February 2015 as part of a $273 millionroads package, and was listed as one of the first 7 projects to be funded.

While I have been out and about talking to people, the traffic congestion at these two intersections is something that the community has been calling on to be fixed for a number of years Ms Harrison said.

Mike Baird made this promise in 2015 yet there has not been a single shovel on site at either of these intersections in the last four years.

Locals will be thinking that this re-announcement of the Liberals 2015 broken promise is outrageously rude and just shows the arrogance which the Berejiklian Government has for the people of the Hunter.

I have been speaking to the RMS on a regular basis to get updates on these intersections and I received information today that consultation on these proposals is now open until March 4.

(Authorised by Kaila Murnain, Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch), 9/377 Sussex Street, Sydney 2000)